DH just finished his first two weeks of rotations - two weeks of outpatient IM that were super easy (and not really different than all the clinical days he had all through the first three years). He had a WAY lighter schedule than I did, since last week was tech week for the Producers at the theater I'm backup board op for. Today he started two weeks of inpatient cardiology, which will be followed by four weeks of inpatient IM. He left the house at 7am, and got home about 7:30pm. Has to be in at 7am tomorrow, and apparently barely sat down today. His feet hurt (need to get him some Danskos, I think), and his attending is super-slow, and barely acknowledged DH's existence today. He's taking notes on how NOT to treat students when he's a resident/attending. At least he's only with this team for this week; they switch it up next week. May the next team be better for him. He also discovered that his call schedule is set up in such a way that the ONLY "golden weekends" he has are the same ones *everyone* has, because they're between blocks. That's got him a little bummed, especially since one of those weekends is the weekend I'm going to the theater to run the board for three shows. The reality of how little we're going to get to see each other for the next few months is starting to sink in. His first night of call is in two days (Wednesday night). My best friend here's husband is a fourth year, doing AIs, and he has call on Wednesday this week, too. We're going to hang out that evening, which I'm very much looking forward to.

I get the impression he likes the patients, despite his attending and senior resident, which is good. "His" patient (he admitted her to the floor from cardiac ICU today) sounds very interesting; lots of complicated history that he enjoyed telling me about.

And now, it's bedtime. I have to get up in the morning, too (though not quite as early as DH does, thankfully!).