I do not think it means what I thought it means.

Last Sunday, DH had his second call night. He actually spent the whole night at the hospital, and apparently his intern got zero sleep, but since DH can't write orders, and already had his max number of admissions, his intern let him sleep through the night. I had two invitations to hang out from different friends who didn't even know it was a call night, so I went to both, and was gone from 2pm till 10pm, crashed, got up and went to work in the morning, and DH got home by like 1pm, while I was still at work, and he was well-rested.

Last night was his third call night...and since they have class stuff on Fridays, Thursday call means "leave the hospital by 9pm so you can sleep and be rested for class stuff". He was home by 7 and we had dinner together.

Honestly? I was HOPING for some downtime, some alone-time, some ME time in all of this. I anticipate that there will be some of that coming up, but man, it sure hasn't panned out yet. Being gone to work all day has really cut into my "get stuff done around the house" time, so things are falling behind. I'd love to have a day or two alone to just putter around and get things tidy and catch up with bills and laundry and such and watch TV DH doesn't like and catch up on things like facebook. So much for that, so far!

On the awesome side, part of the agreement when I signed on as a direct employee (yay for being rid of the slightly-slimy contracting company!) was that I can work 4 10s (instead of 5 8s) two weeks per month on alternating weeks. I'm thinking I may start that next week and take Monday (DH's next call day) off. I have a dentist appt anyway, and that'll give me a 3-day weekend coming up, which would be awesome.