Things are going much better.

I was having a really tough week...and there was alot of genuine real stress eating at me. At the same time, I realize that I was also exhausted. My oldest child was struggling with his sleep and my 18 month old has figured out how to climb out of his crib. Bedtime had gone from a 30 minute deal to an all-night affair. This included him now waking up in the middle of the night multiple times to climb out and play.

We were finally able to get my oldest back into the groove. I took him to his new school to meet his new teacher. This was a great help because he was able to talk to the teacher about the bullying from last year. His teacher reassured him that he doesn't allow bullying in the classroom under any circumstances and would be my son's advocate. It was good for all of us. That night, he slept from 8 pm to 10.30 a rock...and has been doing well since then. We are still watching him and I know we're not completly 'out of the woods' yet..but things sure are better.

We also figured out that my youngest can't climb out of his pack-n-play and so that has become his new bed. Aaaahhhhh, SLEEP! It makes such an incredible differnce! I slept in Friday/Saturday and Sunday and I can't even begin to say the difference that I feel! I feel more upbeat and positive and able to face the day again.

I'm feel much better about where I'm at in my life and this is a good reminder to me...I need to make sure that I'm getting enough sleep. The day that I had my mini-melt-down I had had about 4 hours of sleep in two days because of all of the sleep shennanigans and the fact that I have to be on campus by 7am at the latest.