Wow...I've had such a string of 'good days'. Even the days that were challenging have felt good to me lately. Never underestimate the value of getting the neighborhood kids to come over only...occasionally! [Razz] Things have been so much more manageable!

My oldest was in his play Wed. and Thurs. of last week and it was fabulous. We recorded it all on DVD. He was so proud. I can't believe how big he is.

My daughter (age 9) seems to suddenly be maturing and blossomng. It's just unbelievable to look at her or talk with her. She was a difficult toddler and even more difficult in preschool/early elementary the last few weeks she has become such a joy! She is always asking if she can babysit our youngest (while I'm home of course!!!) and "what can I do to help in the house" [yikes] .."you know mom, I'm going to be a mom someday too". Most recently, she has decided that she 'needs' deoderant (she's 9) [Big Grin] . It's adorable to see how she's growing.

Most significantly, she asked me a few days ago whether I was planning on going back to work in the Fall. I'm working on bringing a german school to the area and she heard me discussing it with my husband: "How could you? Now what will we do?" I had no idea what she was talking about. The German school is a Saturday program, but I'll also be teaching in her school. She thoguht I would be at work full time. At first she kept asking about our 21 month old "how can you DO this to him" she asked?

The truth is that if I worked full-time they would adjust beautifully...and there would be no harm done..really. But it was nice to know that they like having me there..that this is 'fun' for them....I felt a sense of peace that this had been the right decision for our family.

That being said, I've been revisiting career decisions. The only real choice I've made is to wait a few years. When the time is right, I'll go back to school. Until then, I want to try and enjoy this time