I haven't had much time at all this week to be online. I had my third chemo cycle on Monday and it really hit me this time....I have been so exhausted. To top it off, I had some contractions Monday evening followed by cramping, and ended up on the OB floor for a few hours to be monitored. Fortunately, there was no evidence of pre-term labor and I was sent home. My OB scheduled me for a transvaginal ultrasound though to look at the cervix. I had that done yesterday...

and...as a lucky little sidenote, can I just say that every single time I've gone in for an ultrasound (7 times now) I have had one of the female techs....of course, yesterday, because I was having a transvaginal u/sound it had to be the lone male tech Rolling Eyes Embarassed . It was such an akward thing. For those of you who haven't had the pleasure, you basically have to insert the probe yourself in front of the tech and then they...take it from there. (sorry to all of the guys reading!). So..when he asked me to insert the probe, I couldn't help myself:

"Are you taking me out for dinner and a movie afterwards," I joked. He turned about 3 shades of purple but laughed... Thomas wasn't pleased that I made the joke, but the tech told my OB later that he thought I was funny...so...I guess it's all ok.

Anyway...back to topic....the cervix is in good shape, but unfortunately, they discovered regions of my uterus that are 1 mm (millimeter) thick. Shocked Rolling Eyes Because of my history of a hemmorage with Alex and the fact that...well...I'm only 23 weeks 6 days today (tomorrow 24..yeah!) ... this is something that will have to be closely monitored, may require extended hospitalization and will mean an even earlier birthdate for Zoe.

My OB is now talking about a 28-30 week delivery instead of a 34 week delivery....we're doing the steroid injections in 2 weeks now to mature the lungs instead of waiting longer...we had hoped to be able to stretch this out a little further.

To add to the whole...package...I also have ketones (sugar) in my urine. My blood test today did not show diabetes, but I have frequent urination (as in..I went 3 times in 20 minutes wiating for the ob) and...well..I have the sugar in my urine.

Now, they are sending me to endocrine because they feel that the high dose prednisone is causing diabetes...and they feel that further bloodwork may show diabetes...or just time...will kick it in to high gear because of the predisone. My OB suggested that I also may need to be an inpatient now to get the steroid injections for baby because of 'sugar' issues.

AND..lucky me...I've gained 6 pounds in 1 WEEK. I had to see the oncologist's nurse practitioner today for pleural pain Rolling Eyes and he suggested that it was from the prednisone. "Let's look at your feet and legs..they are probably swollen because of water retention". We looked..and they are perfectly normal. He said "oh..you don't really have much retention".....I said "No...it's my adipose tissue that seems to be retaining things....and I've decided that I'm running out to McDonalds for a Big Mac and a super size fries because quite frankly, if I'm going to be gaining this kind of weight, I want it to taste good" Mr. Green

Anyway...though it sounds like things may be going lousy...I'm really doing ok. It certainly hasn't been an easy couple of days, but I feel like things are going to be OK....this is just a 'big bump' as my daughter would say.

Alex is doing much better about going to school. We haven't had a tantrum in two weeks! He even has tolerated me cutting back recess and going only for lunch.

I have a lot on my mind to say right now...to the many individuals here who have been emailing me and private message me...and to the group as a whole....I just feel so overwhelmed with emotion at the support and help you all have given me that everytime I try and express my thoughts, I find myself crying.

You all mean the world to me, and I am so thankful for your support...for your friendship....and for everything you have done. I will find a way to put it into words and to thank you all the way that I feel that you deserve to be thanked. I'm sorry that I haven't done it sooner....but I want you to know that I think of your generosity each day and I am not ignoring it...I just am feeling too overwhelmed right now to find the right words.