My internet connection was just too slow to update!

I'm finally home...and...still pregnant!

My amniotic fluid went up to 9.2...then back down to 6.89...but I was allowed to be discharged on modified 'bed rest'. Interestingly, modified bedrest was defined on this sheet as being allowed to get up for the bathroom cook meals Rolling Eyes

I have to admit not really laying around much. The kids have been excited to have me home and it is very hard to lay down in the house with all of the activity around me...that and my dad and his wife are here. Even though they tell me to 'sit down', I'm foolishly afraid that they will think that I am lazy if I do. Rolling Eyes If anyone has any 'sit down' work they need done...please send it my way!

I've been warned to be prepared to be 'in and out' of the hospital until she's born and...that Monday may start a new hospital week because I have chemo at 9am. We'll see what happens.

In any case, we made it to 29 weeks on fabulous! They estimated her weight at 3 pounds (u/sound) and she got an 8/8 on her biophysical profile. That is all good!

Oh...I spoke with the oncologist about my mri results. He told me that the response was 'excellent', that my prognosis was 'excellent', and that he'd be 'shocked' if I weren't cured. He also said that the location of the remaining tumor/scar tissue could mechanically cause irritation and a feeling of shortness of breath. He added that there will always be scar tissue there and this is why doing the radiatoin will be so important.

I was disappointed initially with the mri because of the remaining cells. We have a friend who was recently dx with a stage 4 large b cell lymphoma and he has only a teeny spot left after only 2 treatments of CHOP-R. Before tx, his entire PET scan lit up and he had it in his bone marrow. Now it is confined to a quarter-sized region in his abdomen. I didn't understand why his response was that way and after 4 treatments, mine wasn't. My doc explained that even though they are both large B cell lympohomas, they are 'different beasts' (his is in the lymph nodes and mine is in the mediastinum/extranodal)....and that our response to the treatment was 'equally good'.

happy day.