Alright...I'm bad...bad, bad, bad.

I have been really lax about taking my blood sugars as I've previously mentioned.

So I started back on the prednisone for 5 days on Tuesday after being discharged from the hospital again. I slept most of the afternoon/evening because of my headache etc and then Wed I realized that I couldn't find my glucose monitor. I think it got whisked away by nutrition in the hospital. It sometimes took them awhile to pick it up after I was done eating and I think I might have left it on my tray? I don't know.

I was afrad to tell DH because I thought he'd blow a gasket...but I finally fessed up yesterday and he got me a new one....without a single negative comment to me!

I went to bed at about 7.30pm (I'm so tired) and then woke up around 3.45am...ready for the day Rolling I took my fasting was...160. Ooops. I had some breakfast and an hour later, my sugar was 220 Shocked

Double oops.

So now I have a I call my endocrinologist on a Saturday and let her know? I only have one day left of prednisone and then I'm sort of...errr...assuming the sugars will go back down?

If I call her, she will ask me what my glucose levels have been all week. What do I say? The dog ate my glucose monitor? Here, let me give myself the big fat F in my you have any red ink I can use? I was afraid my husband would be mad? I left it in the hosptial? eeek.

If I feed her some bogus numbers ....again....I'll be lying and ..well, I can't really do that now.

I could just not call her and hope for the best when I'm off of the prednisone again next week...and maybe it will work out...but if it doesn't then I look like a big fool...

And then...if the sugar levels go up next time with the prednisone, I'll really...really...really be in trouble.

Ahhh. the tangled webs we weave. It's only 5.10am now and I feel like waking up dh now just to get his thoughts...I think I'll suppress the urge. Remind me again why I was being such a pain-in-the-butt about this whole blood sugar thing at the beginning? Truly...I'm embarassed!


ps...maybe I can blame Nellie for all of the yummy cookies!