Alright, funny story:

Last week I cooked a meal that turned out.....bad. Since then, I've heard plenty of references to the fact that dh's brother's wife is a gourmet chef (as a hobby, of course) and that she whips up these fabulous meals. Of course, my mil is also a great cook...and I'm filling like a culinary failure.


Today I went to Sam's Club and bought chicken breasts prepared with cornbread stuffing and cranberries inside of them. There was a cranberry sauce to put over them as well.

It looked like a homemade entree and so I snuck it home and pretended like...yes...I had made it from scratch. :> I even went as far as to thaw the cranberry sauce packets and put them in a bowl....pull out a wire wisk and some spices

The moral of this story? The chicken was terrible! It was so bad that the boys spit out the stuffing and none of us adults could finish it. do I get out of THAT?
