Mil just went out the door for a walk, so I snuck upstairs to catch up before going to clean the bathrooms .

Last night's meal was another flop. This time, we used a pre-marinated pork roast...and it was yucky...I tried to cheat using Schwann's mashed potatoes and got caught.

I'm feeling like super-failure woman! Hmmm....can't cook, can't clean...

To top it off, dh found out last night that he had to give a 45 minute presentation for ICU physicians and residents on pre-made slides. The hospital forgot to tell him and then when they emailed him the files they wouldn't download. Basically, he had to give this entire presentation using power point slides he had never seen! I went with him this morning while he gave the talk expecting to have to pick him up off of the floor afterwards.

Instead...he blew me away. This was a talk on Life Threatening Infections. He literally clicked open a slide and started talking as if he had...personally written each slide. He would use whatever was on the slide as a jumping off point and slid right into patient examples, binding sights for drugs, etc. I couldn't BELIEVE it. He actually went over by 20 minutes because he improvised so much on the slides.

I was really amazed...I couldn't have done that if I had had weeks to prepare.

It started to occur to me that I really....really am not very good at anything. Boohoo.

So, I did what any stressed out med spouse with 5 kids and a visiting mil would do. I went to Barnes and Nobles, bought a Desperate Housewives CookBook and am going to pretend like I cook incredible meals every day. God...I hope the recipes pan out. Why can't I be more organized? Why can't I keep my house clean? Why am I such a lousy cook? Why dont' I want to invest hours cooking and cleaning?

Let's all hope that Gabrielle's curry shrimp is a show stopper.
