I had my CT scan this morning....and...there is no sign of recurrence! :stars:
I was so panicked about it last night that I couldn't fall asleep until nearly 3 am.....and then had to be at the clinic before 8.

I've had a lot of chest pain in one area and difficulty breathing...especially if I exercise...but also at rest...it turns out that I have "ground glass opacities" throughout the field of radiation and quite coincidentally, the pain that I've been experienced is also in that area. (I'm sure my rad onc would still argue that it "can't be from the radiation" or that it was from stress. )

It sux to have an abnormality be there, but it is such a relief at the same time (as strange as that sounds!). I guess...it's validating.

Yeah...I think I might go and buy some paint and paint our family room to celebrate.
