This year, Dallas TX has seen an additional 10 inches of rainfall beyond what is normally expected. We have seen a rainfall of -5 inches below what we expect here in the upper midwest. So, though my dad's vacation trailor floated away on Lake Grapevine a few weeks ago, we are in the midle of a drought that has reduced the state's corn crop to only 40%!

When I was dropping off Andrew's final paperwork for school this morning, I drove by a farm and was jolted into reality about just how hot and dry this summer has been!

It is shocking, really.....There are acres and acres of ruined crops!

It has also occurred to me this summer how many of us moms are also suffering our own emotional droughts...Summer is a tough time for moms...especially sahm's who go from the rhythm of the school year to a new routine that involves a lot of driving...and a lot of unfocused, unplanned time. It can be really tough. In the last few weeks I have heard from a lot of other moms who are feeling the strain: "This is so hard", "I'm definitely not winning mom-of-the-year THIS year" (Don't feel bad, I've never won it either!), "I am a terrible mom", "I am so exhausted" . Truth be told...I think we're all in the running for mom-of-the year. Each and every one of us are doing the best that we can to provide a good home life...and a fun summer...for our children. There are ups and downs....but too often we make the mistake of comparing our "down" days to everyone else's "up" days.

So to make all of those moms out there feel better, I thought I'd post a picture from my own "Mom-of-the-year" files. This afternoon, Zoe got into the back-to-school stuff while I was *gasp* sipping a martini with my feet up. No, really...I was just uploading some pictures after I had cleaned the kitchen, taken Zoe to physical therapy, greeted the floor people, gotten everyone dressed and out the door to activities, taken Andrew's papers to the school, taken Aidan, Alex and Zoe to the McDonald's play area (because it is nearly 100F with the heat index outside!), picked up Andrew and Amanda from their activity and then dropped Amanda off at voice lessons, spent 1/2 hour on the playground with Andrew, Alex, Aidan and Zoe and then *phew*...headed home. I decided that I *deserved* to get onto the computer. Foolish, I is the end result:

It's also all over her hands and legs....and's not washable ink!

So...I'm offering this picture up to any other moms to compare themselves to when they are back into their grooves and are having a good day. See, you really are Mom-of-the year!

As we coast back into August and start the back-to-school countdown, I realize that I need to start bringing a little bit more *rain* into my own life. I want to really enjoy the rest of the summer and make the time that we have left to just *hang out* as memorable as possible. I've been thinking really hard about what balances me out in my life....I love writing, music, singing and gardening....and this is really the perfect time to finish working on gardens. I've decided to dedicate an hour of each day just for me... This weekend, Thomas and I traded off our time as parents. Saturday, I literally laid in bed from 1.30pm until bedtime watching a Flip This House marathon. I was even served spaghetti in bed. Woohooooo! Sunday was Thomas' day...and though he didn't get as much freedom as he graciously gave me...he did get to sit downstairs in the media room and watch german movies for nearly the entire day and evening. It was a really fabulous weekend and I feel rejuvenated!

So I leave you from my garden.....

My private perennial garden behind the fence and in front of the water....raspberries are planted against the fence....

My one and only canteloupe!!!!!

The infamous retaining wall that I finished (mostly...ahem!) while the kids were at german camp. It's a tad...ummmmm....crooked...but...well....I didn't actually realize it until I took this picture.....sssssshhhhhhh....don't tell Thomas! That's the *vinyard* (hahaha) in the background.



By popular request....the grapes....



And finally....a grasshopper resting on the tippity top of one of my green beans stakes....