Major week of suckitude.

We have had guests here from the UK all week.....and it has been major turmoil in our house!

Andrew started at the new prep school on Monday and it has been a real up and down experience. The school itself is wonderful, fabulous, fantastic.....and I think he feels really comfortable there. They have gone out of their way to make the kids feel really special. At the same time, every single day I hear "this sucks monkey balls" because he has to get up early and start school before all of his friends (the other kids don't go back to school until Sept. 4th) AND because he has school on labor day. Also, he has had a large quantities of homework from day 1. I finally quit arguing him and telling him not to say the "s" word. "Yes, Andrew, this sucks monkey get out of bed".

Aidan started preschool on Tuesday. My outgoing, can't wait to get to school kid has cried and cried every morning. He doesn't want to be without me. To top it off, Tuesday I had Andrew's convocation and Thomas made an eye dr. appointment for himself ("I think I have blepheritis" "Are you sure? Alex has pink eye" "yes I'm sure"...."so what did the dr. say?" "I have conjunctivitis"...."hmmmmmm") Our guests had to take Aidan to his first day of preschool. Yesterday I had to take Zoe to her last day of physical therapy and so Thomas took him. Aidan refused to look at me when I got home.

Amanda had her open house at the middle school yesterday. After a summer of her blossoming, being responsible and generally...getting to know an adolescent that I really kind of like.....she reverted to her old self....She called me embarassing, gave me dirty looks and then was so "embarassed" by me that she took off and left me standing in the middle school with Zoe (who wasn't in a buggy ) for a half an hour. I could see the nerves....hell...I could feel the tension as these little girls said their "hellos" to each other and looked each other up and down and I just wanted to take her and LEAVE.


Alex is shocked that he's not being homeschooled....and he's downright depressed about it.

Zoe is finished with physical therapy. Our PT told us that she now walks normally. I pointed out to her that she is intoeing and tripping on herself and she said "I don't see it".

She is the only one. She sees Zoe for about 25 minutes and works with her mostly on upper body things. I have a video from this weekend where she has incredible intoeing. She literally gets more and more tired the longer she walks and within a short period of time is falling....but I'm glad to be done with the was a waste of time for the most part. Thomas just wants me to deal with the NICU follow-up clinic because they have an excellent OT/PT person.

So back to our company and the reason for me complete and utter uncontrollable bitchiness:

Their 4 year old is unbearable.

Unbelievably, horribly, awfully unbearable.

caution: Serious judgement coming from me

This kid whines and cries hysterically about EVERYTHING.

Here are some sources of what starts as a whine and then escalates every single solitary time into sobbing...that if doesn't get ooohs and aaaaahs and cuddles turns into hysterics:

"I don't like the way his sausage (hot dog) smells" (and she tried to push him off of his chair because of it before crying hysterically)
"I spilled yogurt on the floor"
"She touched my barbie magnet"
"he looked at me"
"I want water"
"I don't want to play in the play area"

I don't want to hurt my friend's feelings, but I've begun intervening because I can't stand to hear the sound of this little girl's voice anymore. I simply tell her "no" and "we aren't going to cry about this" in a non-emotional voice and then I refuse to pay her attention. She doesn't cry/whine for me as much now.....but she doesn't like me that much either...and I can see that I am totally stepping on mommy toes....but I don't care.

See what a bitch I am.

Their little 2 year old seeks out Zoe all day long only for the purpose of pushing her as hard as he can.....all of the time. He knows exactly what he's doing because he's always looking to see if an adult is watching and ...surprise...if I catch him doing it he gives me dirty looks and then starts to cry. I have been kind to him (he's 2) but when I was on my own watching him, I also put him in time out over it. It's not acceptable. Yesterday when I put him in time out he was fine...then he immediately got up, looked at me, walked over to Zoe and spit in her face!

The little girl's 4th birthday was also on Tuesday. The mom was upset because the dad cancelled her bday party in the UK and she really wanted to have a party...she kept pressing the issue with me even though I had already said that we were going to chuck e cheese as a family to celebrate. So....I ended up calling some friends that I know with young children and inviting them over for an impromptu (next day) party. I cleaned the house, decorated the house, set up the games, ran the party, and cleaned up after it..... My choice, I know....and I am glad that I could do something to make my friend happy.....I know she's struggling...but I'm feeling really exhausted myself with all of the back-to-school stuff and my own 5 children.....

I feel like drop-kicking her kids into next month.

My friend is terribly overwhelmed though and I can feel how unhappy she is. Her SO is very unsupportive (and 15 years older than her). She puts her kids to bed at 6.30 pm simply to have some time to herself...but the result is that her children are up at the crack of dawn...and she is exhausted and miserable. When I'm up at 6 having a cup of coffee before I get Andrew up, I can hear her yelling at them to be quiet so she can sleep a little longer. I have been going downstairs and getting them so she can have a bit of a lie in in the mornings...but she's just exhausted.

Then....there is the topic of our dysfunctional spouses.

Here's an example...and then I'll close this emotional vomit:

Last night we drove a hour to Chuck-E-Cheese for a fun dinner. The men decided that they didn't want to eat pizza and were just going to go across the street to get something else. uh huh. Forget that she and I were opposed to this selfish idea.

They were gone for over 2 HOURS. They couldn't find a place where they wanted to eat in walking distance so they came back and got one of the vans and drove somewhere...then waited to be seated....and ate...and didn't answer their cell phones because they new they were in deep shit. Each of them then blamed the other. We were out of tokens, our kids were melting was awful...and we couldn't leave because we didn't have enough car seats in my van.

And did I mention that we LOST Aidan at the mall of america twice and her little 2 year old once because there were so many people, so much activity and our spouses were off in lala land leaving us on our own to handle all of the meltdowns, etc? When I mentioned this to dh he said "when are you going to accept that you are a woman" in his most condescending, showing off for the other guy voice? Pass the community scissors because I'm going to cut HIS monkey balls off.
