I have been so wrapped up in my own little playing hostess negativity that I have failed to give all of the updates!

Here is Andrew with his Schultuete on the first day of school! All of the kids got up early to support him because he was so nervous about it...Alex is here in the picture with him.

Opening up Mini-Me

The "mini-Me" close-up

He kept mini-me in his pocket the first day and then has kept him in his bedroom safe and sound since then.

So far, things with the new school are going better than I ever could have expected.....ever.

They are so incredibly welcoming and nurturing. Andrew already has several acquaintances that he feels like he could become friends with and everyday when I pick him up he talks on and on about all of the things he has done. This is an incredible contrast to the last several years of school. He is delighted to be the "only boy" in his Italian language and culture class and gleefully told me "everytime I get a partner, it will be a girl". wahoo.

His algebra placement has been perfect for him so far. He is relieved and feels both challenged and proud. He has had homework from the very beginning, but really has been putting out his best effort to stay organized and get his assignments done!

Aidan has had a tumultuous start to his preschool years.

Here he is on his first day with his schultuete:

He cries each day on the way to school. Last week he went for only 1 hour on the first two days and then two hours for the next two days. Tomorrow the 3 hour schedule starts. When I pick him up he is happy and excited and always talks about what fun he has had... The teacher is very gentle and says he does great when he is in class. I think it's just separation anxiety. We'll have to see how it goes. If he doesn't settle down, I'll just keep him home for this year and try again next year.

More back-to-school updates are to come...Amanda and Alex go back tomorrow.
