Last night, we all left out our shoes in hopes that St. Nikolaus would fill them with some yummy treats.....

It looks like we got lucky and Nikolaus ended up making it over from Germany after all ...

Aidan got a spider man action figure

Zoe got a baby and a book, but was most enthralled with the older kids' candy.

Amanda got a nice sweatshirt, but is picture here opening up her lip gloss and eating some breakfast candy.

Andrew got a few used games for his gameboy color. He collects "old" nintendo stuff. Here he is in his teen glory sprawled out on the floor eating candy. "Andrew, I can see your tummy...pull your shirt down." "Relax, mom. It's all good." What alien has overtaken my sweet boy, and when do I get him back?

Sweet, sweet Alex with his hover ball game. Nikolaus also brought him some old Deutschmark. I think he has been especially good this year!

The whole herd of 'em:

It's been such a wild week. All of the beautiful snow and cold weather has brought me one very special gift: a flu. I've felt absolutely miserable the last two days. This morning I seem to be turning the corner on feeling bad, but now have developd a yucky cough. I'm assuming that I have a touch of bronchitis which I think I can also blame on one of the kids that came to Andrew's sleepover birthday party. He doesn't turn 13 until the 11th of December, but we did his party early in order to avoid the holiday rush. (I'm so glad we did!) This particular child came over with an awful cough and it turns out he'd missed school but....came to Andrew's party. ugh. his 13th birthday party.

How can it be that he is turning 13? When did this happen?

It really is beautiful here though with all of the snow. This is exactly whey we chose to move to the cold north:

I love the snow. (At least for a short time. I know that in a couple of months, I'll be crying for summer to come!)

Aidan loves the snow too and has been outside playing in it every day:

Andrew has been a huge help this year with snow-related things. Everytime we get any snow he has gone out on his own to shovel the driveway....You can barely see him here through the falling snow....

I hope everyone is keeping warm!
