Oh, the Agony.

I might be close to my Britney moment. I swear that anytime now you will be hearing about the crazy dawkters wife in MN who shaved her head and ran off to Mexico with her pool boy Sven while speaking with a British accent. Not to poke fun at Britney, who I really feel for, but

If you are of the opinion that motherhood is the be all/end all and that any mom who dares struggle shouldn't have had kids or is a bad mom...get out of my thread and beware, because I do have a voodoo doll that I'll use if I have to. Hmmm...now where are the little pins that I need to stick into the doll?

I don't know...I think that they may be somewhere HERE:

Buried beneath some of the mess. Well, I guess anyone CAN get away with judgment right now!

Why does my living room look like all hell broke loose? There is one simple reason. I have had one single thought all week...the democratic debates. Politics are my one last remaining pleasure and I enjoy hearing people's opinions and watching debates. This one in particular, I knew would be historic...and so I cleared my calendar.

Thomas had a meeting to go to tonight and so I was on my own with the kids. To bribe them....I mean...encourage good behavior, I bought them pizza and pop......I invited them all to join me in the living room to be a part of this historic moment and then I decided that come hell or high water, I WOULD watch these debates.

The state of my living room is the result.

I sat on one of the sofas, logged into a political forum on my laptop, with kids running all around me. I think that my 13 year old was the worst behaved of all of them. How does that happen? :huh: I begged for quiet, I pleaded, I raged...to no avail. I simply had to tune them out in order to be able to watch and enjoy.

The price that I paid? It took me as long to clean up the mess as it did to watch the debates...and by the end of it all, I was so angry with them that I swear anyone braving the cold to walk by our house might as well have just dialed 9-1-1. I would have surrendered willingly. I considered calling 9-1-1 myself and meeting them with a little white flag in one hand and a glass of rum and coke in the other.

Lord help me. I do not have a mom to come and stay when I need a hand or cluster headaches have me down. There are no siblings or friends to co-parent with. I am...absolutely exhausted.

I just wanted to watch the debates. Is that so wrong?


And to top it all off...can I just add that one of the brand new treads on our stairs is broken.....We have no idea why...the boards are made of two pieces of wood joined tightly together...and one of the boards split at the seam and is bowed up. It isn't water damage...it's just "bad luck" as the installer said today.

Bad. Luck

It. Never. Stops.
