It's snowing again

It's beautiful, soft, fluffy, white....there is a gentle breeze.... We just left our neighborhood card club and walked home after a fun night of playing 500 and catching up with our neighbors. As we all headed out into the night, the complaints started. I tried to point out the positive: "well, it is beautiful". (It actually is!) Our pediatric psychologist neighbor turned around to me and in her best Oscar the Grouch voice grumbled "maybe. but I'm sooooo over it". (It's nice to know that even the professionals can embrace their inner grouches!) Yah...I'm over it too. We're all over it. There's just nothing we can do to change it. It's cold, it's snowing again...It's March and we all wish that it was June. There is not a single person that I talked to last week that could find a good thing to say about living here right now...even the diehard Minnesotans who "love this stuff" are not feeling it lately. is beautiful tonight...I can't help but feel that way. These kinds of nights are what I love about winter. I'm just not all about those -45F with the wind chill days....and the extended bitter cold.

Yesterday was Thomas' 43rd birthday. Holy Cow...I'm married to an old man!

We made our regular trek to Space Aliens to celebrate.

Though he says that he only goes for the kids, I have proof that he loves it. Here he is nurturing his inner child:

The kids all had fun even though it seemed like the games were rigged to hand out very few tickets on Friday night. Andrew and Amanda kind of hung out together and did things...which was a big surprise for me. They seem to be finding common teen/tween ground lately. I've noticed that they spend some evenings talking downstairs in Andrew's room about school and friends. I sure hope that their friendships is starting to reemerge.

Alex busied himself winning the most tickets (notice Zoe in the background)

Aidan ran into some friends from preschool and they spent the time chasing each other around and playing monster.

and Zoe...what can I say about Zoe...she was everywhere....most of the pics that I have of her are blurry because I just couldn't get her to stand still for a second! Oh...I feel old!

At the end of the night, Alex told our waiter that it was Thomas' birthday and asked if they could sing their song for him. I thought Thomas was going to hide, but instead, he got up while they did it and let them sing to him! (Personally, I think he was just excited about all of the young college girls singing happy birthday to him!)

I think...he had a pretty good birthday.

The weekend is really flying by. Alex offered to play with Zoe and Aidan when they woke up this morning again and he did a great job of playing them while we got to lie down a little longer. Yeah, Alex...thankyouthankyouthankyou.

Truth? Thomas got up before me. I laid in bed until....11! I needed the rest.

This week I had a friend's (ahem, one who I'm about to kick to the curb) daughter staying with us while her mom was in NewYork. She had to be at school at 7:30am, so even though Amanda had Spring Break and I didn't have to get her out the door...well....I had to get this other child out even earlier. Thomas didn't want to hear my alarm clock and so....I ended up sleeping on the living room sofa! Actually, it would have been fine if it had just been me on the sofa. I was kind of excited about it because I could get comfy by the fireplace a little tv all by myself. No. The problem is that it ended up like this: The cats were thrilled that I was on the sofa...especially Scouty, who came at me again and again and again to sneak under the blankets. Then, of course Zoe was waking up at night and I ended up with her next to me as well.

I really needed the lie in today. Even after getting so much sleep I was still dragging today. My breathing is pretty good though. I think I get 5 more days of the happy dance before we taper....but maybe by then the inhaler will be working some magic.[/quote]