"You're so cool"

Well, that's what the girls said yesterday when I took them to the Mall of America for Amanda's birthday. In one day, I went from being the 'weirdest mom' ever to being 'way cooler' than their own moms. We even 'rocked out' to the cool music station on the long trip home. Yes, I basked in my coolness while I belted out the words to Low by Flo Rida. (Well, the words that I knew anyway LOL Shorty got low, low, low, low Judging by what I could make out from the song, I'm glad that those are the only words that the girls know too. I'm supposed to be the mean one, I know...and trust me, few days go by that I don't hear about what a "life ruiner" I am. Those few hours of coolness were worth it though.).

So on Friday, Amanda officially turned 12. TWELVE. Tweenerville is official. But she's already moved on. "You know next year I'll be 13, right?" yes. I know. I think she had a good birthday. We did the whole Space Aliens thing (of course) and then she and I drove around "rocking out" to music while talking about life, friendship, bullies, school, and God. She had incredible questions about why God 'lets' bad things happen and how you can believe in something that you can't see. I really began to realize how much she is growing up.

Attempted group photo:

While everyone else played games, I caught Amanda primping in front of a mirror. "Mom, when do you think my bangs will completely grow out?"

Saturday was her much awaited MOA party. She chose her two best friends to come with her and we made the journey to Minneapolis for 5 hours of shopping. It really was fun (even though my feet are very tired)! Amanda was also going to get her ears pierced. 12 is the magical age in our house. She chickened out though. After years of begging, pleading and wanting nothing more than to have them pierced and be done with her magnetic earrings, none of us could talk her into it.

"Now...I'm not so sure."

Here's the gang posing at the restaurant. Notice that Zoe is engaging in her favorite activity...ahem...nose picking. There's a little too much tummy showing there, but...it isn't my daughter...I did nag her about it though

(I am the running joke with my kid's friends when it comes to behavior. When Andrew's friends come over they have gotten so used to my nagging about good manners, good hygeine etc that when Andrew gets himself a drink they will openly joke about me "Andrew, are you using good manners. Did you ask your friends if they want a drink too?" It's all in fun but it's kind of interesting to see that it has stuck with them. "Uh-Oh, we went bike riding, I better take a shower because I want to practice good hygeine" with all eyes on me. Hey..as long as they take a shower, I'm ok with it. )

Amanda took her birthday money and saved up babysitting money with her and was thrilled to buy herself a pair of Abercrombie jeans! It was so fun to see them all so excited about being at the mall and picking out their own things. They also went on some of the rides:

Amanda has the blue shirt on!

It's been a fun week....[/quote]