So I'm still waiting on the job. I sent thank you e-mails on Sunday and the lady who I've decided is really in charge sent me one back saying she wanted to "chat" with me, would it be okay if she called me at home this week? Not sure what that means but I expect her to call tonight or Wednesday.

In other news we got DH's schedule for next quarter and it looks fabulous! Woo hoo! He got Friday - Sunday off at Thanksgiving and the week of Christmas. If I get this new job hopefully I won't have to work on Friday and we can got o Chi town to meet his parents/brother for Thanksgiving a little earlier than we had planned. I'm not looking forward to making the Christmas plans, we'll see how that goes. Sometimes I wish our parents lived days apart so splitting a holiday wasn't an option.

Ok, hubby is coming to take me to lunch - back to work! 8)