DH is on call tonight so I tend to waste my time online more and tonight has been rather depressing. We have this wedding to go to on Saturday in KC for a girlfriend from college. When I was in college there was group of us, about eight of us, that were in the same major, same business fraternity and pretty much made up my entire social circle of "good" friends. After college they all got jobs in the KC area except me and then of course I moved to CA when DH went to medical school. I feel like an outsider these days. They have all stayed so close and I feel like the only way I'm included is when I make the effort. The dawkter thing is definitely not the reason as two of them are also married to residents or staff. Tonight I got e-mails from one of them with pictures of her kids and one of their recent birthday parties and pictures of a group of them attending a KU game. I guess because I don't feel like I've made any good friends here, friends I could go out with and talk for hours, it makes me miss my college friends so much more. 99% of the resident wives here don't work and therefore their social situations are during the day with their kids when I'm at work. I try to get together with two of the other neurosurgery wives a few times a quarter but again it seems like all we talk about are their kids and our husbands' jobs. I work in a very small office, so again there aren't opportunities to make good friends. Of course I don't know where I would be without this board, then again I sometimes think its part of my problem. Its easier for me to have cyber friends than real ones and maybe that has hurt my willingness to step out of my comfort zone and make real life friends...