Weekend Update.

So the dinner on Friday wasn't so bad - there were several other spouses there (resident and staff) so it was nice to catch up with them and I got to talk to one of the staff wives I had seen from a distance but never met, she is VERY nice. She teaches first grade and was telling some hillarious stories about her kids.

The Friday event and Saturday events were fine - good attendance, no issues, good events. Sunday was a different story, we had problems with our giveaways and it was the last part of the night so it left a sour taste in several customers' mouths - not the best thing, but you know what? Its OVER!

My Santa Claus was on the front page of the paper yesterday so that is great exposure. Now I just have to get past about 9am on Friday. I have to do live TV interviews (ugh) at 5:45, 6:15, and 6:45 - yes, AM! for the local morning show so we'll see how that goes.

Needless to say we aren't going skiing on Friday since it is 46 degrees and isn't supposed to get much colder. So we'll be finding something else to entertain the in-laws Saturday & Sunday. We are also having a hard time finding somewhere we can watch the KU game on Saturday. Sleepy little towns are great for Bed & Breakfasts' but not ESPN2. 8) We may have to go to a casino, not sure what MIL will think of that.

Still waiting for the RE to figure out what the h-e-double hockey sticks is up with me, so I'm hoping for one more cycle before Christmas, we'll see. The other chore will be hiding the fertility drugs, which are in the refrigerator, from the in-laws for 4 days. Since FIL is a pharmacist once glance at the label and he'd know what it was.

Is it Friday at 9am yet?