So we get one more shot for a Christmas baby. Today is CD-1 so it really and truly could be a Christmas baby, of course that means probably having sex at my in-laws with my BIL in the next room.

We also got this "fabulous" e-mail from my MIL today with these "great" gift ideas for my FIL and BIL like we're not capable of picking our own gifts. I'm sending her a nice e-mail back that says thanks but we already have all of our shopping done. Of course included in this e-mail was our "itinerary" for OUR holiday -did you catch that? An itinerary from MIL for OUR holiday! DH and I are pissed, even more pissed when we realized our "lunch" with his grandparents has turned into a full day. DH is finally tired of it and is thinking of a "tactful" way to tell her so. I've got my response written and told him if he doesn't come up with something else by bed I'm hitting send. 8)

Work is work - it SUCKS! I keep waiting and waiting and my hopes of the other job are getting smaller and smaller. I'm SO ready for Christmas and for stupid people to STOP complaining. :>