January 8th and the year is already not up to par, at least in my book.

Work is work, I’m sitting here doing pretty much nothing after digging out for a few days last week. This job just isn’t interesting to me anymore. However, I am still holding out hope for that job I interviewed for in September – yes, 4+ months ago! Right before Christmas I sent the two women I’d been talking to an e-mail wishing them happy holidays, etc. etc. So I get a bounceback from L stating she is moving to Scottsdale and will be off until the end of the year, there is a location in Scottsdale and I knew a lot of her projects were based there but it still concerned me. I got no response from M. After the 1st of the year I sent M another e-mail asking about L moving and just checking in. M has always been very honest with me. M assured me that L’s move had nothing to do with the position I’ve been waiting for however she still didn’t have a position for me. She offered to get together over coffee and chat and ensured me I would be one of the first to know when the position opens up. So I continue to wait but it gives me some hope that 2006 was my last holiday in my current job. L seemed to think in mid-December that the opening was coming so hopefully that means it will come soon.

My resolutions aren’t surviving as per usual. I’m reposting them here so that I can keep up with them.
1. Not allow TTC to consume my life.
2. Find another job but make the most of the one I have in the mean time.
3. Work out at least three times/week, even something as little as walking the dog or 30 minutes of Taebo or Pilates.
4. Get a new look, feel good about myself when I leave the house each morning.
5. Enjoy my time with my DH instead of lamenting about the lack thereof.
1. Doing good so far – I’ve left one of the TTC boards that I was on because I felt like it was only helping my obsession. We’re taking this month off of meds because I’m traveling to Chicago next week and it would mess up the timing so we’re going at it alone. DH has a co-resident that is the anti-girl, don’t get me wrong she is very nice but she is very much not a girly girl and has always made comments about not knowing what to do with children, etc. She’s pregnant. I haven’t talked to her since her announcement, I’ll see her Saturday but DH said she seems very excited. I’m happy for them, her husband will make a great dad, at the same time it still stings. I know you never know someone else’s story maybe she’s had just as hard of a time as we have hence the front but just once I wish the announcement was mine.
2. Working on that, I’ve looked very steadily this week and am still keeping tabs on the one mentioned above.
3. Only made it twice this week, did my Taebo on Monday and took Molly on a long walk yesterday.
4. Still debating on this, when I have a good hair day its great IMO, but bad days are horrendous. My hair is my hair and I’m stuck with it.
5. Time with DH hasn’t been too abundant since 1/1 but he’s off the next three weekends so we’ll have some time to do things. This Saturday is the department bowling night, should be very humorous – it will give me a chance to try out my new camera. Sunday night is my offices’ Christmas Party (yes, in January) at the local comedy club so that should be fun too.

DH got three new scrub caps for the holidays, the one I made him on the 22nd and two more that I made him this weekend. I should have had him model them for me so that I could take pictures before he took them to the hospital. I'll try to get pictures.

All in all, I should consider myself lucky. We have healthy family and friends, we have each other and we have more than many others out there. Positive attitude should have also been one of my 2007 resolutions.