So as I posted in another location I went to a Go Red function yesterday which was very informative and interesting, as part of it they did health screenings and gave me "my numbers." To say I was disappointed with the results would be an understatement. Mind you they say these are ballpark but still...My systolic and and diastolic blood pressure numbers both showed as "Pre-Hypertension" and my total cholestrol showed as "Borderline high" - ugg! I am also one pound (I know, one pound - woop dee doo, but I have to be "fit" for my mental health) into the "obese" category based on my BMI and height though I'm not as concerned about that one since this is my "winter weight" and I was wearing my shoes and clothes. I have put on some weight since we've started with these baby drugs but its just so hard to exercise in the winter.

I'm always on DH's case to find out what his numbers are and this only cemented the fact that he needs to get checked, cholestrol issues run in his family so if these are my numbers I can only imagine what his are. I did buy a MC cookbook while I was there that is supposed to be uber healthy so I'll probably be interspering that with my RR cookbook.

In other news, do you remember "the job"? The one that I started interviewing for last September. The one I was so excited about and ended up being the 2nd place candidate. Well I got another e-mail yesterday stating "we're finally going to have another opening in a few weeks and if you're still interested and don't mind going through our hiring process again we'd love to have you" - how many times have I heard that in the last 5-6 months? At least three I would say. Do I get my hopes up this time or do I just plug along and if it comes, it comes. WTF!?!? Of course I get my hopes up, how can I not? I told both of my bosses last week that I was bored and they both told me they don't have anything for me. So even with a 10% pay cut (which is what I suppose the new offer would be) I'm taking it - I have to get out of here! :huh:

This should be a nice (exhausting) but fun weekend. Tonight we are going out to a new restaurant in town that we've been wanting to try. When they first opened some friends of ours had a terrible experience there, but recently they've been getting rave reviews and the chef was just named the best chef in town so we'll see how it goes. This is our Valentine's. Then tomorrow night we're having our Gourmet group over, the menu for the month includes Fondue and ice cream sundaes so it should be fun and relaxing. Then Sunday we are having some other friends over, they are friends we've known since medical school and they are getting ready to go on a three month away rotation so it will be good to see them before they leave. Oh, and KU plays tomorrow at 3 so we'll be watching that as well, of course! Busy weekend - but it'll be fun!

Ok, back to my nothing to do job! :hey: