Well we found out how small the internet really is yesterday. I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with a website called The Knot, its for wedding planning - after your wedding you transition to a site called The Nest. I used the Knot when I was planning my wedding but hadn't been on it for several years. DH's best friend's wife is a member there and they are planning to start TTC in the next few months so she was on the baby boards last night. What does she come across but another of DH's friends' wives as a poster with a ticker that says she is 5 weeks pg.

Now I know people aren't naive, at least I'd hope not that naive. I belong here and of course you wouldn't have much problem figuring out who I am, but on another board I belong to where I got most of my TTC advice and posted detailed TTC information you'd have a REALLY hard time figuring me out.

This friend's wife has a picture of them in her signature. It links to a page that gives detailed information about them, their wedding, etc. We didn't know she was pregnant and they have every right to keep that to themselves but I would think you'd be more careful about information like that on a public board. I just think its odd you would be that open on a public board when you haven't told any of your friends.

On to more pg news on my end. I had a long talk with my older sister yesterday, I truly think she's happy for us. She says her son is THRILLED that he's going to have a cousin, though she's not sure why he doesn't realize he has like three cousins on his dad's side and tons on his step-dad's side. I love my nephew to death and I know he's 11 years old but I have a feeling when we do see him we're going to have to be very careful with handling the baby. He smothered Molly when she was a puppy because he was SO excited about her, he's always wanted a sibling and I know its selfish but I'm just really wondering about him wanting to hold him/her, etc. I'm sure it will be fine.

I ran into one of DH co-workers' wives today and she is about my size, maybe a little taller and a little bustier but she said she's got some maternity clothes she can give me - yay! The pants I'm wearing today are going into the box I've affectionately called the after baby box because I don't think I'll be able to wear them again.

T-5 1/2 hours until MIL and FIL get here - wish me luck!