This is how I feel about my professional life right now. So I had mentioned that last Tuesday I got an e-mail from the hiring manager of "the job". Odd, I thought. So I go onto the job site yesterday and they've listed a part time job just like the one I interviewed for. Same department, same everything. So either one of the part timers left or they decided they needed another part time person. Timing just sucks doesn't it? So I have written her this reply: Dear [hiring manager], Thank you for your e-mail. I guess you could say I’m a little burnt out on Mayo because I’m not sure what else I can do to get my foot in the door. It seems the only option is get a job I’m overly qualified for so that I’m an internal candidate when one does open up that I want. The problem being that interviews for jobs you are overly qualified for are just as hard, if not impossible, to get. It seems no matter the job there will always be an internal candidate. I also am not looking right now because I am expecting my first child in December and with the leave and benefits of my current job it doesn’t make sense to move at this time. After the baby is born and I’ve had my time off I may consider part time or work from home jobs but I won’t be returning to a full time schedule. I do appreciate all of your interest. Sincerely, Me To harsh? I can't say that I really care. I don't know what she expected me to say but at the same time I don't want to not respond. I stuck that slight mention about the part time or work from home in the end because I'm curious to see if she'll come back and tell me they currently have a part time opening. I know, I'm glutton for punishment. Oh well, such is life!