So we went baby shopping yesterday, it was fun! But HOLY CRAP this stuff is expensive. We went into one store their cribs ranged from $400 - 1,000, even their "clearance" cribs were over $400. DH said we could shop there for our 2nd child, I had to remind him we'll probably still be in residency then and even more poor. So we think we have found one we like for $250, we'll order it and if we don't we'll take it back. We also think we have decided on our stroller. I think we're going to get the Bob Revolution we're just deciding between the one with three smaller wheels or one with a small front wheel and two big wheels in the back. I'm debating b/c the one with smaller wheels would fit more easily in DH's trunk but at the same time the wheels come off REALLY easily so maybe the bigger wheels are better. I honestly have NO idea. We haven't even started looking at all of the rest of the stuff. Slings, bottles, diapers, etc. I don't even know where to start. We did find some good news out about years 5&6 for DH though. He's considered a graduate student, not a resident so NO (or considerably less) taxes - woo hoo! He's supposed to be getting more information on that, he was just told in passing by one of the residents that is currently in the same program. I also got confirmation on my maternity leave today that if I do decide not to come back while I'm out on leave I don't owe the company anything - woo hoo! All in all a good money day. We dog sat for a friend this weekend, that was...entertaining. No really it was fine. She is about an 80 pound black lab and they have watched Molly for us before so the dogs were somewhat acquainted. She's actually a very good dog but ran over Molly to get in or out every time I opened the door. Molly finally got sick of her about 5pm yesterday and just started barking at her and wouldn't stop, it was actually pretty funny. Other then that they got along fine and I think our friends were concerned she would do something on our new carpet but we had no issues at all. I think we'd watch her again but it did make me realize I don't ever want a house dog that big.