We're back from Boston - we had a great time though next time we'll stay downtown and do more downtown tourism. It was very nice of our friends to let us stay with them free of charge however it was VERY hot and humid while we were there and they have no a/c so it was VERY uncomfortable. They also let us borrow their car which was great so that we could meet up with Annie on Friday.

So Thursday we got there and DH's former roommate picked us up at the airport, we went back to their house and then decided to go to Walden Pond. They have a great house that is 1/2 of a duplex, they've done some work and have a little more to do but its in a great up and coming area of Boston. The pond was very nice, busy but we found a nice place in the shadows to relax, the boys swam while I napped. The wife got stuck at the hospital until about 8pm but then we had a nice relaxing dinner at their house. Of course while we were at the Whole Foods getting groceries DH ran into someone else he knew from Stanford - it was pretty funny.

Friday we got up and drove to Springfield, MA. The borrowed car was a standard it reminded me how much I do NOT miss my old car. Not to mention it was HOT and the a/c stopped working about the time we got to Springfield, it must have just been hot because it worked find on the way home. So we met Annie and her two adorable girls at the Springfield museums, we weren't able to get any Dr. Seuss prints but we had a great time catching up with Annie and watching Lucy enjoy the Dr. Seuss statues and displays as well as the dinosaurs and other creatures. After lunch the girls were ready for their naps so we all headed in our own directions. Friday night we went out, just the two of us, to a restaurant called the Barking Crab - it was YUMMY! DH and I shared the Mixed Crab bowl and once I got the hang of cracking the legs it was fun.

Saturday we got up and visited the Flour Bakery which we had seen on a recent Food TV show, their sticky buns were to DIE for and they only make a set number each morning. When we got ours there were only five left so that was fabulous! We then headed to Cambridge and toured the Harvard campus and then met a former roommate of mine who is a resident in Rad/Onc for lunch. She took us to a little Indian restaurant that was really yummy also. Then we walked down and toured MIT. By then my feet were KILLING me and just as we got to the T station it started POURING. Luckily we made it on the T and headed to our friends house in Brookline. Of course it was still POURING when we got to their stop so we were soaked by the time we got to their house, it was pretty funny. So then we hung out with those friends for a while, got a quick driving tour of downtown Boston and then went out to dinner on Newbury Street. All in all it was a nice day.

Today we got up this morning and headed home - it was a great trip, but next time I hope to see more of downtown Boston.