Well I have ZERO expectations to get anything, even a card, from my DH tomorrow. I'm not subtle and I don't like surprises so I flat out told him last night that I've let my birthday slide for the last three years b/c he's been so busy but that I expected a card and a gift this year - that alone pisses me off, I shouldn't have to tell him. You know what his response was? Well I thought I'd get you the multifunction copier/printer/scanner that we talked about last month but I couldn't figure out which one you wanted - ok, thats as bad as getting me an appliance that I didn't ask for. So I flat out told him that the reason I hadn't bought one of those last month was because I decided we didn't NEED one!

So this morning he played golf and then he goes to work from 2-10 and then he'll have no time to get away since my parents will be here. He used to give me such great gifts, and its not the value of them or the size of them its the fact that he spent the time to think of and purchase something special.