My weekend was GREAT! Yes, DH is still in the dog house for not having my gift but he now knows how I feel about it and we're leaving it at that. He did get me a very cute card and I'm a little concerned that the gift that is still coming is to "indoctrinate our child" - to what? :huh: Should be interesting...

I also realized how much my relationship with my parents has changed as I've grown up and moved away. I miss them and I wish they were closer. I almost wish they never would have built their new house because then I think there would have been a chance we could have convinced them to move closer. My dad has a friend here who does what he does and they get paid more in MN. His friend tried to convince him to move here a few years ago before we lived here and mom wouldn't budge. Of course I can't say that I blame here b/c they have a nice life where they are and who knows where we'll be in four more years.

But DH and I can always have a great time with them. There is no awkwardness between him and my parents like there is between me and his mom. We can have a great time regardless of what we're doing and regardless of how long they stay. When I ask them what their plans are for when the baby comes they're very laid back about it and say things like we'll figure it out when you get further into your appointments and they have a better idea of when she might come, etc. They have no immediate expectations though they did say dad wouldn't be able to come up before Christmas because of his work but if the baby is early mom could come up by herself depending on the weather.

I was sad to see them go this morning but I'm hoping we'll get to see them more once the baby comes. All in all, a very nice weekend.