Is it 5pm yet? Today is my least favorite day of the year - I'm at the mall getting ready for and working our Back to School event. I hate this event and will be SO glad when its 5pm!

So I got my "indoctrinate" gift this week. I should have known. As you all know DH and I are BIG KU fans. A former KU coach has written a book called The Three Little Jayhawks that is of course based off of The Three Little Pigs with the Mizzou tiger as the wolf. DH got me the book and three prints from the book for the baby. So the "Dr. Seuss" nursery has become the Dr. Seuss/Jayhawk/Primary Color Nursery. I will post pictures when we have them up but for now you can see them here

It has been a long week and I'm ready for it to be over. We're going to a party at one of the residents' house tonight which I'm looking forward to. She is the only married female in the program and they have a little one who by now is about five months old. She and her husband are both very nice and it will be good to see them again. Hopefully DH isn't too tired after his day and we can go.

Tomorow I'm doing NOTHING!

I talked to my little sister last night and asked her what her plans were when the baby came as far as visiting since this is her year to spend Christmas with her in-laws and she said she will be here whenever I want her so that is nice. She said she can either come up for the birth, after or after everyone has left so we'll just see where everyone else's plans fit into that. I know she'll be a great help and a resource.

Other then that not a lot going on. MIL and DH are finalizing the Napa plans, it sounds like it will be two stuffed days of wine touring and eating good food so I'm sure it will be a good time.

I'm more looking forward to Labor Day weekend though. DH and I are finally celebrating our 5th anniversary which was July 13th. We're going to a Saturday matinee at the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis, then checking in to the Ann Bean Mansion in Stillwater, MN for an overnight stay and having dinner at the Bayport Cookery - our favorite MN special occassion restaurant. It will be nice to have a weekend away just us as it may be our last before the baby comes.

Before I know it September will be here - two trips that month, then October - two showers that month and then November when the holiday madness really starts. Is it December 22nd yet?