We had a great weekend. We left here about 9am Saturday morning and drove to Minneapolis, we had brunch at this great restaurant next to the Guthrie called Spoonriver. We had some time to kill so we walked through the Farmer's Market and walked out on a bridge where we could see the collapsed I-35 bridge. It was so surreal and scary to see in person.

So we enjoyed a great play at the Guthrie called Private Lives, to ex's end up honeymooning in suites next to each other with their new spouses. It was very funny.

Then we drove to Stillwater, MN and checked into the Ann Bean Mansion, you can see pictures of our room here: Ann Bean Mansion It was a great house and our room had a private tower where we ate breakfast Sunday morning. Saturday night we had a full 9 course meal at the Bayport Cookery in Bayport, MN - it was to die for.

Sunday morning we left the B&B and then went into Minneapolis to do some shopping, we spent way more then we should have at Ikea and then stopped at Babies R Us to add a few things to our registry. It was a good weekend but hard on the pocketbook.

Today we got a lot done in the nursery and Saturday we took a new belly shot - both of which can be seen here!