So I'm back - I now need a vacation from my vacation.

We left here Wednesday morning and flew from MSP to SFO. Our flight was about an hour late and DH's bag was close to the last one off the carousel, that is what he gets for taking a bigger bag then me. Of course my bag almost didn't make it to SFO because we park off site and as we're unloading the shuttle at the terminal someone took my bag. He would have looked pretty funny wearing maternity clothes on his vacation but we got it back. So then we get to SFO and the rental car agency jerks us around, we finally get a car but its a Jeep Patriot - which is the same size as an H3, not exactly condusive to driving around SF, DH wasn't happy especially when we're in Silicon Valley and everyone is passing us in their Infiniti's, BMW's, etc. He really wanted to be driving his own car.

So anyway, we get to Napa and meet the IL's and BIL for lunch and then hit a winery before we check into the hotel. I basically sipped for three days. If DH found something he liked he'd have me try it but that was it. Which really was fine, I can only handle a couple of wineries a day when I'm not pg and on Thursday alone we hit 4. I'm exhausted enough, I can't imagine what it would be like if I'd drank (drunk?) wine as well. So we then met up with DH's aunt and uncle and enjoyed dinner out all of us together. They rented a mini van so that we could all ride together, it had two captains chairs in the middle and a big seat in the back. The first time we get in the mini van DH insists that I sit in one of the captains chairs, keep in mind I'm 5'2" and BIL is the shortest of the rest of the crew at 6'. Ok MIL might be 5'10" but either way the shortest person in the van in one of the most spacious seats didn't go over well with MIL. So to smooth feathers I sat in the back of the van for the rest of the vacation - really it wasn't that bad it was just the prinicipal of it, you know I AM six months pregnant and its hard enough for me to get into a mini van, let alone all the way in the back.

So Thursday we hit 4 more wineries along with an expensive lunch and another expensive dinner. Its important to note that all of these meals were expensive b/c we were under the impression that we wouldn't be paying for anything except our car and airfare and any tastings/wine that we bought. WRONG! Yes, ILs paid for our hotel room which was ridiculously expensive but we ended up spending A LOT more money on this trip then we had planned. So DH and I had the conversation on the way home that the next time a family trip is planned until he's COMPLETELY DONE we will just to decline and when the ILs get pissy they'll just have to get over it. We can't afford trips like that if I'm going to stay home. And if they get really pissy DH is going to remind them that they lived on frozen pizza when DH was born b/c MIL chose to stay home and if they can't get over it - too bad! I'm just not sure where they think we're getting all of this money. They claim to understand the residency life SO well.

So Friday we hit two more wineries and got to see a crush at one. I have pictures which I'll post later - it was really cool and as many times as we've been to Napa we'd never seen one so that was great. More expensive meals and then Saturday morning we all went our seperate ways. DH and I drove down to San Francisco and had lunch with a medical school friend. She was a classmate of DH's but she's as much of a friend to me as him and we love her to death. She has an awesome apartment with beautiful views of the city and is in her last year. She has applied for a fellowship at the CDC and we're hoping that she gets it because she really is perfect for it. Saturday evening we drove down to Palo Alto and had dinner with two more former roommates of DH's and their wives and one couples' 3 1/2 year old. We hadn't seen her since she was about 1 1/2. She's brillant, already reading three letter words, very well behaved at dinner, just a great little kid. They are expecting #2 any day in fact hopefully she's already here. One of the couples used to live in MN so it was good to do some catching up with them too and talk about the midwest versus CA. The wife of that couple is an Anesthesia resident so DH got some additional insight into Stanford's NSG program and reconfirmed that he's glad we didn't stay. Plus we drove around campus Sunday and pointed out things - like that is where we'd probably be living, which were of course little tiny apartments that would have cost us at least what we're paying for our mortgage. I think we were both glad to be back for a few days but also glad we don't live there anymore, it just seems like an eternity ago.

So we got home late last night and finally got to bed about 11:30. Baby M is not happy with me and has been very active that last two days probably partially because I haven't been drinking as much water as I should have been and because its just been go go go since Wednesday. So today will be a long day with tonight's event at the mall but after that it should be a pretty quiet week.

I'll post pictures tonight or tomorrow, we had some beautiful days on our CA trip.