33 weeks yesterday, wow where has the time gone? :huh:

We completed our Prenatal weekend about 4pm yesterday. It was long and I don't think DH learned anything but I at learned what I feel I should expect during labor on some level. It was also nice to get a tour of the unit, see the rooms and kind of know what to expect. Including us there were three couples in our class with our due date, one is having a boy and the other didn't know.

We had a Dr's appointment Tuesday, the heartbeat was in the 150-160 range and I've gained ~22 pounds since my first appointment which was at 9 weeks. After the baby comes I suspect I'll have about 50 to lose including the weight I put on with the fertility drugs. She was measuring right on track this week. Starting at our next appointment which is 11/14 they'll check her with the u/s to see her positioning. I'm hoping they can get another peak at her girl parts as one of the girls on another board I belong to had two u/s and this week gave birth to a boy that was supposed to be a girl.

I have my last shower today which will be fun I'm sure. I think next Saturday we'll be going to BRU and spending a butt load of money. Luckily we have several things we need to return but I think its still going to be an expensive trip. We've decided to hold off on her pack n' play and Bob stroller but we're going to get her swing, mattress, changing pad and then several other smaller things that we haven't received yet. My goal is to be ready by Thanksgiving.

DH got that nasty grant off of his plate at the beginning of the week and now has another one to do but he has much more time with this one and since he already has pretty much all of background done it will just be a matter of changing it to the other grant's specifications. Its been nice to have him around so much, I'm looking forward to our time together once the baby comes.

Not much else going on here, seven more weeks of work. It can't get here soon enough!