So I'm having a much better day today and coming to terms with the fact that I could have almost 3 weeks left even though I'm 39 weeks on Saturday. I think working 8 days straight just caught up with me on Monday.

Of course that isn't stopping me from trying all of the old wives tales. I'm having 1-2 mugs of Raspberry Leaf Tea a day, eating two large servings of Pineapple chunks a day, having suckers, and sitting on my exercise ball at home. Probably nothing that will help but what does it hurt? Saturday we're going to go snowshoeing so we'll see if that helps. When I had my NST on Monday I had a contraction while hooked up to the machine and she asked me if I felt it, I did but not like I was expecting. I've had several of those since then but they're long and not very intense.

I pulled out my paperwork for my appointment on Monday and realized there was an ultrasound scheduled that I wasn't aware of so I called the desk this morning and they said the u/s is standard when I'm scheduled for an NST. So Monday I will get another NST, plus a quick u/s, plus a visit with my doctor which will include an internal check. She'll also be able to schedule my induction at that point for either 12/31 or 1/1. I'd been looking at the year end induction for tax purposes, then someone brought up the insurance end of things. I'm not sure how that will affect us, we've of course already spent bookoo bucks on fertility treatments, etc and I guess at least part of our hospital stay could now be '08. I guess that means we'll be paying more, not really sure. Oh well, as long as she's healthy, right? DH and I were talking about all this and dates last night and he agreed that if I do go into labor while his parents/brother are visiting somewhere around 12/26-28 they are NOT welcome at the hospital until the baby is born and I have been transitioned to the OB floor. So at least we're on the same page there. I'm hoping she is born around then b/c then my parents can come up for the week of 12/30 b/c the inlaws will be going to Florida for the bowl game.

Yesterday we found out BIL isn't going to the bowl game with MIL & FIL. Supposedly he couldn't find a friend to go b/c the accomodations, air, etc. were really expensive. Who knows, but we know MIL and FIL are still going.

Yesterday I had a 1/2 day off, I got home and went into serious nesting mode. The guest bath is clean and ready for guests, the laundry is done, DH came home and we put up the tree plus our other decorations, dinner was made and I slept like a rock except of course for getting up to pee every 2-3 hours. And I took a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day. Hopefully that with the contractions and the fact that I think she's dropped a little today are good signs that she's almost ready.

Back to work...or to web surfing I should say.