Well it seems I'll be getting the single parent lesson relatively soon in this relationship. DH's January - March schedule came out yesterday and while I shouldn't be complaining because of the amount of call he has the timing sucks. He's taking written boards at the end of March and needs to study and we are going to CA in early March so I get why he got the schedule he got, he did ask to have it front loaded but now it looks like I'll be spending the first three weekends at home with the baby alone. If she comes on or after the 31st he is on weekend night call both the weekends of the 5th and 12th and then weekend day call the weekend of the 19th. Three weekends in a row, don't the cheifs that make up these schedules remember what it was like to have their first child at home? Probably not, he's like 7. So I'm hoping my mom will come up as soon as we get out of the hospital and MIL will come up the week after that but of course no one is willing to commit to anything until she's here. You know if they had to fly I could understand not making any plans, but they're DRIVING! Come on, the only thing that could stop them is weather. Can't they at least make tentative plans?