We really are blessed this holiday season. DH has a group of four other guys that he's been friends with for years, you've all heard me talk about them before. We of course are due (NOW!), one is due in February, we found out a few weeks ago that one is due in late June and we found out last night another is due in mid-July. We're so excited for all of them and I'm so glad that none of them had the issues that we had, I'm also glad that we were first because if we had been trying with no luck and they all got pg I would have been even more bummed. The last one is getting married in March and the other guys aren't going to let him forget he's the only one without little ones, poor guy.

We have a doctor's appointment at 12:30 today, we're getting a bio physical profile but that will be about it. Unless there is something they see I have a feeling we'll be waiting until Monday or else she is going to decide to come out of nowhere. I haven't had any contractions since Friday and she's keeping up her usual wiggle worm patterns early in the morning and around 10pm.

Visits finally seem to have some schedule. The ILs are coming up on Saturday to celebrate Christmas whether she is here or not, I think the only reason they wouldn't is if we're in the hospital b/c they have to drive back Sunday so BIL can catch his flight Monday. My friend the photographer will be up either the 1st or 2nd if that is when we get out of the hospital. They'll be doing her newborn photos and then driving home either the 3rd or 4th. I'm hoping she comes before then so that they can leave the 2nd and my parents can come up the 3rd. I don't know how long they'll stay but I'm hoping for several days, then my MIL will come back up sometime after the 6th and stay for up to a week. Then everyone will be back for her baptism around the 25th.

Its so weird to not be at work today, Its not completely strange since its a holiday but I have a feeling I'll be going stir crazy by Friday if Baby M isn't here yet.

Our holiday is going to be low key. DH will meet me at my appointment and then we'll go to Christmas Eve mass at 6:00pm. We'll come home and have dinner and open one gift and then we'll open the rest in the morning after breakfast. I don't think we'll open Baby M's, I think we'll wait until she comes home. Of course then we get to have more Christmas when the ILs come on Saturday.

2007 has been a blessed year for us and 2008 will be a new adventure. We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!