Time for an update - Adele is 9 days old today and doing great. Last night she slept from 1:45ish to 5:30ish. I'm getting around 4-6 ounces of breast milk a day and we're supplementing with formula. Monday, after my parents leave, I'm going to try to go back to breastfeeding instead of pumping. If she won't latch then we'll continue to pump, I'd like to be able to give her breast milk at least for the month. At least then she'll get some of my immunities. We'll see how it goes. Her and I had our first outing yesterday, we went to the mall because I had a few things I needed to get and to Target. She did great until she started fussing in the check out line but didn't cause to much of a scene and then we headed home. She really is a great baby (knock on wood) so we're very lucky. DH is on call tonight and tomorrow night. So we'll see how it goes, I've been on my own for most of the nights anyway but he usually stays up with her until 12 or so, so that I get a little more sleep but he won't be able to do that tonight so we'll see how it goes. My parents are here, they love her to death and are having lots of fun with her plus they are holding her and feeding her so that helps so that I can get some other things done. All in all, a good 9 days.