So I've been trying to catch up here for the last seven hours, since we dropped MIL off at the airport but I just can't - so hopefully I can at least get my blog entry in.

Last weekend was Adele's baptism, that is why I've been MIA. My sister got here Thursday evening and started the flow of visitors. DH was on call so it was nice to have an evening of just her, me and Adele. Of course Sara did most of the work and I just relaxed, I SO need a nanny sometimes.

Friday the rest of the crew arrived. My parents and the ILs arrived within about 15 minutes of each other and we all just sat around and chatted for hours. My other sister, her husband and my nephew got in late and BIL got in even later. Everyone stayed at a hotel except my sister's family and BIL, we figured since they were the godparents they could stay. It was probably the one visit from a large group that we've had an easy time deciding who stays with us and who stays elsewhere.

Saturday was LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG day! Don't get me wrong, we had a great time but it was just one thing after another. DH's grandmother had given us a Honeybaked Ham for Christmas so we were serving that plus green beans, rolls, and scalloped potatoes for dinner after the mass/baptism. So mom and I made the potatoes that morning and the plan was to put them in the oven on a timer before we left for mass and they'd be cooked and hot when we got home. WRONG! The oven didn't turn off so they were more then cooked, they were toast! :huh: I was so ticked off! Luckily there was more then enough food for everyone but I was still pretty irked off. Everyone took turns holding the baby and I don't think anyone felt shorted. Adele did great during mass and the baptism, she didn't even cry when the priest poured the water on her head. Everyone, of course, thought she was adorable and when I get the digital versions of my sister's pictures I'll post some. I barely took any of my own.

Sunday everyone started to depart except for the IL's. I think everyone had a good time and we look forward to seeing everyone again soon. BIL and FIL left Monday afternoon, luckily they were here b/c everything decided to go wrong on Monday. I went to put some laundry in the washing machine while DH was in the shower Monday morning and realized there was water on TOP of the washing machine which sits underneath our main shower. So DH and his dad spent hours figuring out what was leaking and fixing it (problem #1). THEN while looking at the leak FIL realizes how bad the leak is that our washing machine has and decides we should call a repair man (problem #2). So he comes out Tuesday AM and tells us the repairs will cost close to the value of the machine and that he's seen that machine break a lot in his experience, the machine is ONLY 3 1/2 years old. Also on Monday, DH goes to turn on the upstairs TV and the whole thing is GREEN! (problem #3) :huh: It had not been turned on the entire weekend so sometime between Friday afternoon and Monday morning something happened to it but for the life of us we have no idea what it was.

So yesterday DH went and spent a small fortune on a new washing machine and a new TV. The TV is great, the washing machine will be delivered next Wednesday. Luckily we can use the one we have either until it dies or the new one is delivered. Bad things come in threes right? They're done now, right?

So MIL stayed until today so all day Tuesday and today until 1 it was just her, I and Adele (due to the blizzard DH studied from home yesterday). We actually got along fine. She held the baby when I wasn't feeding her, cooked us meals, and allowed me to get some extra sleep so I can't complain. DH and I did joke however that she should buy stock in a papertowel company and a bottled water company. She went through 3 rolls of papertowels in regular use in 3 days and a case of bottled water. :huh: Today she was supposed to fly through Chicago but they were able to re-route her through Minneapolis so she could still get home. I'm sure tomorrow I'll wish she was back but right now I'm thrilled to have my house back.

So all in all it was a good week, it was nice to see our families together and it was great to get to introduce Adele to her only cousin and her aunts. MIL and I didn't kill each other so that part was a success as well.

Adele has changed so much, she turned one month old on Sunday. I can't beleive its already been a month. Most nights she's sleeping like a champ. She'll usually sleep 4-5 hours, wake for an hour to feed and then sleep for 3-4 more hours. She usually takes a short nap in the morning and a longer nap in the afternoon. If she doesn't get her afternoon nap (like today) then she's a lot harder to put down at night but we have no room to complain she's a great baby and still relatively easy. So I think she's down for the night, now I can go to bed.

Hopefully I'll catch up with the rest of the threads tomorrow.