I've been wanting to update for days and right now I should be going to bed but I'm on here instead. I'm sure I'll be paying for that tomorrow.

Adele turned six weeks old today and I had my six week post partum check up. I love my OB and will miss seeing her regularly. I had an IUD put in today, I've been on several different pills and was ready to try something different so we'll see how this goes. I'll go back in six weeks to make sure its still where its supposed to be and then I'm on my own. I have to go to Gyn next month and have a minor surgery. I have granulation tissue that is leftover from my episiotomy and they want to take it out because it can cause pain if its left in there, that should be interesting. I'm sure it will be fine.

Adele is doing GREAT! She slept from 10:30-4:30 last night, woo hoo! And other then two bad nights last Friday & Saturday she's consistently sleeping in 3-6 hour blocks, now if I could just get her to nap in longer periods during the day. I guess you can't win them all.

New pictures, these are the most recent: http://picasaweb.google.com/cherim76...2_01To076Weeks

These are from her baptism, almost two weeks ago: http://picasaweb.google.com/cherim76...aptismPictures

DH has been around the same, usually home by 3 in the afternoon. He's been great about making dinner, etc. as Adele usually decides 6pm is a great time to eat herself. Its like she has a 6th sense, whenever its time for me to eat she wakes up and cries.

We're headed home next weekend, weather allowing so that DH can attend the bachelor party for the last guy in his group of 5 to get married. We'll see how Adele does in the car. So we're good, she's good and we're trying not to go stir crazy in this crazy MN winter. In January alone we had 13" of snow.