Where to begin? We took our first road trip with Miss Adele this weekend, it actually went really well. We left here Friday morning and drove 3 hours then stopped for an hour to feed her, then drove another 3 hours. She slept the whole first leg and most of the 2nd leg. We spent Friday night with DH's parents and she was really a great baby most of the weekend. I think it helped that there were other people to hold her b/c when I hold her it seems like all she wants to do is eat. She breastfed great the whole weekend, I didn't have the falling asleep issues that I seem to have at home. Saturday we headed over to a friends house to watch the KU game, both of the couples we met up with are expecting their firsts in June and July so it was fun to catch up with them and for them to see Adele. The guys headed out to the bachelor party for the wedding that we're going to in CA in a few weeks and we girls went out to dinner. Again, Adele was a trooper. Sunday MIL's brother and wife and FIL's brother and wife came over to meet Adele. She was really awake and alert the whole time they visited, everyone had nothing but good things to say about her. The plan was to head back to MN Sunday around 1pm. Unfortunately Iowa was in a blizzard warning so we spent another day in KC. Driving back Monday was not much better. The first leg was fine, then we stopped and fed Adele but the 2nd leg took us an extra hour and we counted 130 cars in the ditch between the north side of Des Moines and the MN state line. The wind was RIDICULOUS! Luckily DH was driving because I was stressed enough just sitting in the passenger seat. Luckily again Adele was a trooper and slept the whole leg. Of course now we're home and she's back to her old ways. :huh: She slept great last night (10p-4a, 5a-7a) but today she isn't feeding well AGAIN! She keeps falling asleep, I don't understand why she fed great at the IL's but now she's back to her ways. Maybe her schedule is just off, maybe she'll go back to her weekend ways. She also won't nap unless someone is holding her and even then its short little naps, not a long hour or two nap. I guess we'll see. I should just be grateful (and I am) that she's sleeping so well at night. I can't beleive she's going to be 8 weeks the day after tomorrow. We've been going to the Y the last few weeks, twice a week. Its nice to be able to put her in kids care and to be able to work out. Hopefully I'll lose some of this baby weight by the wedding, I'd like to fit into something I own and not have to buy anything. I guess we'll see. I've also joined the local MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) group at the church down the street. Its nice to get out two mornings a month and socialize with other moms, the group I'm in has several small babies and one that is only a week older then Adele so I'm making some new SAHM friends. So that is great. For quite some time she had pretty predictable screaming fits every evening and we could tell she was passing gas at the time so the doc has had me give up dairy, they said to give it a week and that time period is up today and it seems to be working. So I'll continue to go dairy-less and maybe in a few weeks we'll be able to try to reintroduce it, we'll see what her doc says on the 28th at her two month appointment. All in all, being a mom is a great time. She's starting to be alert more and cooing and gurgling and smiling. We're very lucky to have such a mellow baby. Ok, off to catch up with the boards.