Every time I feel like we're getting into a groove Adele decides differently. Actually we're doing great, I've learned that if she falls asleep eating I pop her off, if she doesn't wake up immediately and scream she gets put down so I get some things done. She finally napping, not a lot but I'll take every little bit. Yesterday I put her in her car seat and walked her around the house, hey it worked for a 1/2 hour nap.

DH is getting closer and closer to his boards, so far he's still confident that he'll be ready. I have no doubt but I know as it gets closer his confidence will start waning.

We are headed to CA a week from Thursday - YAY! Its going to be mid-60's probably but that will feel like a heat wave for us, I'm SO excited to get there I just hope the travel goes ok. I feel like we're planning to take everything but the kitchen sink with us.

Adele turns two months old tomorrow, I can't beleive it has been that long that she has been part of our family. I feel like I'm finally figuring her out, going more with the flow and realizing that its her schedule not mine and I'm ok with that. The breastfeeding hasn't gotten super easy but definitely easier, as most said it would around 8 weeks. She is sleeping in 4-7 hour chunks for her first shift at night, last night she slept from 9:45-4:45 which was great but then she didn't want to go back to sleep. Small victories, right?

DH has become more interested in the presidential race the last few days, he's seriously considering voting for Obama. :huh: I really don't know what I think about that. I have a feeling McCain is going to get killed and now I hear that the KS governor is being thrown around as his VP. Knowing what her administration has done to my dad's job I'm not sure what I think about that either.

We're here, we're doing well and we're not in the financial cellar that some people in this world are falling into, we should be and are grateful for what we have.