So Miss Adele turned four months old on Sunday and today she had her 4 month doctor's appointment. She's a shrimp! She is now in the 47% in height, 25% in weight, and 75% in noggin size. DH would say she gets that from me. She is 12.5 pounds and 23.9 inches. She's doing so well and getting so big. She's going to bed earlier and earlier and she's sleeping like a champ at night. Now if we could just get her to nap longer during the day. If she sleeps okay the next few nights from her immunizations we may have to try some tough love on the naps. Although doc said if she's a happy baby with the shorter naps she may not nap longer, I guess we'll see. DH is off this weekend, the first one we've had with no major plans for a while. It will be nice to have that time together and for him to spend some time with Miss Adele. Ok, little one is sleeping so its time for mom to go to bed!