Well by the end of the week I will be done breast feeding, go ahead throw stones or tomatoes or whatever. After everything I went through at the beginning to get my milk to come in I thought this would be a harder decision but it hasn't been and I think a large part of that is because I've never been able to keep up with her and even though I tried every recommendation under the sun to increase my milk if she can't have exclusive breast milk I don't see the use of continuing pumping. Yes, that's probably selfish but I breast fed miserably for 3 months and I pumped for 2 1/2, she's been such a happier baby in the later stage. I really think my supply has been the issue all along and that is why she was so miserable the first 3 months. But she was getting 8-12 ounces a day of formula since I started pumping because I couldn't keep up with her and maybe that has made the decision to wean easier. I've been weaning for a few weeks now and should be done by the end of the week. On one level it is a sense of relief to not have that pressure anymore, on another it is a bummer to me that I wasn't able to feed the traditional way and continue longer. On a completely different level after all we went through to get her here I should just be happy that she's a happy, healthy baby and I am. I'm SO glad the sun is finally out. My MOPS group decided to walk every Monday morning at 10 for anyone that could make it. We're meeting at my house because I live near a nice trail, its good we're meeting here because then I feel like I have to go. Last week it was me and the girl in my group with a baby Adele's age. We had a nice aerobic walk and good conversation, her husband is in ENT. This week it was me, a mom with 3 little ones her youngest is 3 1/2 months and another ENT spouse with her three little ones. We got a lot less of an aerobic workout with that many little ones but good conversation. Its nice to be getting to know more moms and tomorrow is park day so hopefully the weather holds. Adele is napping so I better try to get some stuff done. Or maybe I'll just read. I went to the library last week and borrowed "Worth the Fighting For" by John McCain and "Audacity of Hope" by Barak Obama. I want to learn about these two men and make an educated decision. DH is seriously thinking of voting democratic which I never thought I'd see. I'm hoping they consider MN a swing state again this year b/c in the last election Bush, Kerry & Cheney all made appearances in Rochester. I didn't get to go to any of course b/c I was working. If the candidates come this year Adele and I are going to all of them. Ok, time to get off of the computer!