Well one day down with the IL's visit. Dinner was fine, they raved about it though I think a little to much, the asparagus got a little blackened and the chicken was a little dry IMO but whatever. Adele is going to be a basket case by Sunday if this keeps up though. One of them insisted on holding her the ENTIRE time. The only two times she wasn't being held was when we were eating and when she was in her exersaucer. Of course when she was in her exersaucer they were like two inches from it. Then of course she wouldn't go to sleep b/c there was to much going on. Once she did she slept through the night though so that was good.

I get that she's their first grandchild and they haven't seen her since April but give the child some space. :huh:

In other fabulous news one of DH's buddies had their first child this morning, so he and Adele are exactly six months apart. We can't wait to meet him, hopefully over the holidays. So there are now two boys and Adele, the 2nd girl will be born sometime in the next few weeks. I can't wait until they're all a little older and we can get them all together.