Yesterday was...interesting. DH, Adele, Molly & I went for a long (5 miles) walk yesterday afternoon and then last night we went to a BBQ at a fellow resident's home. She is a chief this year, married and has a 16 month old. Their parties are always fun because its a mix of the department plus their rowing friends and is always interesting. At the end of the night we were all piled in front of the big TV to watch Phelps swim. Of course 2 hours before the BBQ I see DH poking around in the kitchen, I ask him what he's doing and he says he's trying to figure out a side to take to the BBQ. We could take a side or dessert, of course this was the 1st I'd heard of it. So we finally decided we had nothing to make a side so how about a dessert? Surely I had a cake mix and we could make cupcakes, I knew I had frosting - nope, no cake mixes. So we looked and looked, no shortening, no vinegar, I guess my pantry needs restocking. So we finally decided on Snickerdoodles, of course the dough is supposed to chill at least 2 hours. It got 15 minutes in the freezer, 15 minutes in the fridge and then cooked. They actually turned out great and were devoured at the BBQ. Of course while I was baking DH got A ready, once we got to the BBQ I realized her dress was on backwards, one of the other wives and I found that hilarious. He didn't seem to care. So I didn't feel like I really got to socialize much because I was "stuck" with Adele, since it was outside on their deck with their two dogs I couldn't really put her down. Several other people held her but she wasn't interested in that for very long. Finally about 8:30 she fell asleep in her car seat but only slept for about 30 minutes. She had really soiled her diaper so I think that probably woke her up. She hung out for a little longer, took another full bottle and then went back to sleep on the way home. We got her home and went to change her into her night diaper and her pajamas and she threw up all over the changing table, luckily the changing pad caught all of it. But then she just started SCREAMING, she was just way over tired. DH was trying his best to calm her but she just wasn't interested. So I went in and took her from him and she was out within 2 minutes. I felt really bad afterwards that I'd just taken her from him but I couldn't let her scream and while he said it didn't bother him I think it did. So she finally went down about 11:15, well at 5:30 she woke up again screaming like crazy. I tried the pacifier but that didn't work so I made her a small bottle, she acted like she was trying to have a bowel movement and within 2oz and 15 minutes she was right back to sleep. I thought that was odd. This morning was DH's morning to get up with her. When I woke up at 9:30 I didn't see her, he said he'd been up for about an hour and hadn't heard a peep from her. So he went and stuck her head in her room, she was awake and happy as a clam playing in her crib. Until we looked closer...she had something on her face, and all over her crib sheet which she had proceeded to roll in. Yep, sometime between 5:45 and 9:30 she had a really runny diaper which leaked. She's never had a blow out or leak in her cloth diapers so that was fun. This thing: The Ultimate Crib Sheet was a savior. I didn't have to completely take her bed apart, I just unsnapped it and tossed it in the wash with the changing pad she had thrown up all over the night before - YAY! So it was a crazy night and she started the day with a bath which was new for her but at least she had fun. [img][/img] The other thing that made me not sleep well last night was that I dreamed DH left. It was really odd. We have a Halloween party every year and I dreamt that he left after we'd already sent the invitations so I went ahead and had the party, everyone came and we were having a great time and then he showed up with his new "friend", no one knew he had moved out, it was just weird and I couldn't go back to sleep afterwards. Odd. So the contractor is starting on the basement the day after tomorrow and the carpet should be in the following Monday so we should be all put back together by Labor Day which would be nice. Even though we don't use the basement much its amazing how much we use it for storage and how out of whack we are right now. Ok, A is napping and DH is mowing the yard so I probably ought to find something that needs to be done. Happy Sunday!