We had a great weekend! It was amazing to have a holiday weekend with DH around for the WHOLE thing. Of course by yesterday afternoon I was ready for him to go back to work. So Friday about 5 our medical school friends arrived. W was a roommate of DH's from about six months into medical school until we got married after 3rd year. DH had also stayed with him when he interviewed at SU and we think that he was probably a very big reason as to why DH got into SU. They are great friends, have a lot in common and even though they've gone to different parts of the country and chosen very different specialties when we get together its like they were never apart. The last year that DH lived with W we had to listen to him complain NON STOP about this girl that he was fatally in love with but who was dating someone else and about to be engaged. It became a weekly ritual for us to listen to him and give him our advice. Imagine everyone's surprise when she said no when her boyfriend proposed and W was there to sweep right in. It seemed everyone but her knew they were a perfect match so we all watched as they got together and then got married the summer that DH graduated from medical school. They now live in Boston where he is finishing an ED residency after doing a Peds one. She is doing an oncology fellowship that is 1 yr clinical and 3 yrs research, she's an MD/PhD. They have adorable Clara who is 8 weeks. She is from Iowa, he from Indiana and I think our midwest upbringings are probably why we all get along so well. So they got here Friday around 5 and were only able to stay until noon on Saturday but we stayed up late talking, ate great food (DH cooked) and just enjoyed each others company. We're lucky if we get to see each other once/year, its always to short and to far between. The kids: [img][/img] So after they left we cleaned out the garage. DH had been storing grass clippings and tree clippings in the garage for some time and one of the grass clipping bags had started to decompose. :tsk: It was GROSS and it was my only request that we MUST do this weekend. So we worked on that and then went to a BBQ at the PD's house. He has a very nice house and luckily the weather was nice enough that we were able to be outside, large deck, great yard and no pool to worry about so that was great. My only complaint was that they asked the residents to bring desserts which were BARELY touched b/c the kids were much more interested in the smores being made in the fire pits. Plus all of the food was inside and all of the people were outside so it wasn't laid out very well. But the great thing that came of the picnic was the chairman giving us his bike trailer. DH went over and picked it up on Sunday, made a few minor repairs and then we took it out for a ride yesterday. You know the nsg, the child must wear a helmet - yeh, that didn't last but she looked so cute in it. [img][/img] Luckily its adjustable so she should be able to wear it for a couple of years. Hopefully we'll get out for several more rides before the snow and/or the cold gets here. So the rest of our weekend was taken up playing with our Wii. I bought one because I really want a Wii Fit, which I haven't been able to find, but I should have known DH would become obsessed with it. We golfed, we played tennis and we bowled several times this weekend. Luckily its something we can do together rather than sitting in front of the TV like zombies which we tend to do on to many nights so we'll see how it goes. I kicked his butt in bowling so that was fun and I can keep up with him on golf which is better then a real course. Tennis I'm still working on since I've never played well IRL either. Hopefully I'll find my fit soon b/c Adele's nap schedule is making it really hard to get to the gym when child care is open. :huh: All in all a great weekend though.