Well my MIL was probably right, as much as it pains me to admit that and I still think she was out of line she's probably right.

My mom went to see her dad yesterday and he's not doing well at all. He's now in a wheelchair at all times. My grammy goes up and feeds him lunch every day and he's eating great but he pretty much only eats and sleeps. My mom, my grammy and my uncle went and met with funeral homes yesterday. My grammy lost her brother about a month ago and his widow is very much like my grammy - very vital, can't tell she's in her 80's, etc so her and grammy have been spending a lot of time together which I think is good for both of them. So great aunt Gloria recommended to Grammy that she go ahead and start making funeral arrangements b/c it would be that much easier on everyone when the time comes. So that is what they were doing. They agreed on a funeral home and package and this week grammy is going to go look at cemetery plots. This will be the first grandparent I've lost which I know is remarkable since I'm 32.

When they put him in a home they were worried that grammy wouldn't be able to pay for it if it went longer then 5 years. Here we are less then a year later and it looks like he may not even make it a year. Its just so hard for me to comprehend all of this and to feel connected to it when we're so far away. I've only seen him once at the home and I've only seen him a handful of times in the last few years since we didn't go to Christmas last year and for other reasons. When I think of him I think of him before the Alzheimer's really set in which I guess is the way I'd want to be remembered if I was in his situation.

Now I'm rambling, Adele is napping or is supposed to be so I should get some things done.