So Friday night and yesterday I had the opportunity to attend a Christian Mom's Conference called Hearts at Home. The Christian aspect isn't bang your head with it but it was present. The workshops were on varying topics from mothering to marriage but all of the ones that I went to were mom topics. One of the presenters in one workshop that I attended was a doctor's wife. She lives in Colorado Springs and has grown children in their mid-20's. After the workshop I went up and asked her when in her training she had her children and she said they had the first during intern year. I told her that my DH was a 5th year resident, she asked in what and when I told her nsg she gave me a big hug - it was pretty funny but she was very nice. The whole conference was refreshing and a few books that I picked up will hopefully also be helpful in me being a mom and a better wife. Coming back, closer to my religion has really helped me in the last 10 months and MOPS, my medical spouse bible study and this conference have been a large part of it.

The conference is here in Rochester every year, I look forward to going next year!