...that states MIL, FIL and BIL are not allowed to come visit so close together unless they come at the same time. I realized this weekend how much BIL really is like MIL and why we just don't click. EVERY time Adele went to do anything that could be the slightest bit risky (even if that risk was 6 months ago) BIL jumped. She couldn't even do the basic thing like climbing into her own high chair that she does at least 3 times/day and has for weeks without him hovering. I was so annoyed by the end of yesterday.

And its not like he monopolized her time. Probably half of the time that she was awake and not eating he was reading or doing the sudoku out of the paper. When it was obvious that she wanted him to play with her she was oblivious. I think someday he'd love to have his own family and kids but wow - he's so hard to read anymore and so socially closed off I don't know how he meets people that could be a prospect for that future job. It sounds like he's back to hanging out with college buddies now that he's moved to the east coast and it sounds like they are all married or in serious relationships, I think it will take one of them setting him up before he'll meet someone. I guess we'll see.

I'm just waiting for the phone call from MIL, she's going to want to know exactly what we did this weekend and if he's seeing anyone, etc. etc. Ugg!