So my BIL, nephew and niece were in a car accident this morning. They were driving to school/baby sitters when a high school age kid ran a yield sign and plowed into them. They were in my BIL's truck, of course my niece was in her car seat and my nephew was wearing his seat belt. Its unknown whether or not my BIL was wearing his, it sounds like he took most of the force. He's a big guy. The EMTs checked them all out and said they were fine but they're taking my niece to the pediatrician this morning just to be safe.

My sister found out when the babysitter called b/c my niece was 45 minutes late, she then tried to call BIL 3 times before she finally got a hold of him. Very scary. It sounds like the truck is totaled and the kid that hit them was taken to the hospital with lacerations to his head.

Very scary, we're just glad they're all ok.